If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best.

Im complicated and confusing. I get everything wrong, and make mistakes constently. Im still trying to find myself, in this critising world of haterd and love and it's not an easy road to walk. but i've learnt to walk with his hand in mine, so slowly im getting there. Things are getting easier, and less confusing.

Haterd is slowly disappearing as love over powers.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

One of my old blogs, in the time of depression.

James and the giant peach;

And one day; I wish to have a life; like James. I want to live in a giant peach, And have no worries in the world.I want all my problems to be resolved by Hundreds Of Seagulls,To Come And pick me up when I'm down. To fly me away to a better place. But instead I'm left down in this World; With the Sharks to fed upon my flesh.

But in the End,
James gets everything he ever wanted,
For living a horribly life he never choose.
So I suppose, If we struggle on for a bit longer.
In the end it will eventually all work out.

A year later;

Things are starting to work out, better then i could ever think of actully.
I don't exactly know how but i don't really care.

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