If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best.

Im complicated and confusing. I get everything wrong, and make mistakes constently. Im still trying to find myself, in this critising world of haterd and love and it's not an easy road to walk. but i've learnt to walk with his hand in mine, so slowly im getting there. Things are getting easier, and less confusing.

Haterd is slowly disappearing as love over powers.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The so called teenage love;;,

have you ever reached that point in your life, Where you'd do anything to find 'love'? You'd walk for weeks for that one boy. Just to get him to look at you or smile that beautiful smile of his, That melts your heart everytime without doubt. That same one that made you fall for him in the first place. Those eyes that you want to look into and tell him you love him. It's amazing when you think about it, About all those things you'd give up just for one night; to lie on his chest and fall asleep listening to the sound of his heart beat. You wish apon every star possible that he'll notice you tomorrow, Yet no matter how hard you try it just doesn't happen? Take a risk and tell the boy. Maybe he's just to shy to talk to you. Don't regret anything, Life's about taking the leap.

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