If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best.

Im complicated and confusing. I get everything wrong, and make mistakes constently. Im still trying to find myself, in this critising world of haterd and love and it's not an easy road to walk. but i've learnt to walk with his hand in mine, so slowly im getting there. Things are getting easier, and less confusing.

Haterd is slowly disappearing as love over powers.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The so called teenage love;;,

have you ever reached that point in your life, Where you'd do anything to find 'love'? You'd walk for weeks for that one boy. Just to get him to look at you or smile that beautiful smile of his, That melts your heart everytime without doubt. That same one that made you fall for him in the first place. Those eyes that you want to look into and tell him you love him. It's amazing when you think about it, About all those things you'd give up just for one night; to lie on his chest and fall asleep listening to the sound of his heart beat. You wish apon every star possible that he'll notice you tomorrow, Yet no matter how hard you try it just doesn't happen? Take a risk and tell the boy. Maybe he's just to shy to talk to you. Don't regret anything, Life's about taking the leap.
I haven't been here lately, Mostly because i fucked my mouse on my laptop and have to do everything by the tab button and i forgot my password :/ Oh wells. Anyways things have been okay. The ex boyfriend is a cunt, but hey you get that. His new girlfriend looks like a slut and im guessing they wont last long, but oh well, Its her mistake to make, just like i made the exact same one. I'd tell her not to trust him but hey, like she'd listen to his ex girlfriend shes never met. Im just hoping the poor girl doesnt get hurt as much as i did. Tbh, You're a pathetic ass hole and i feel sorry for you. I actully have a more then decent boyfriend now, who i adore and i know doesnt lie to me and tells me he loves me when he actully doesnt. He doesnt say it in an attepmt to get in my pants unlike you >_> . Work is wonderful, School is good. It's nearly holidays. So yeah, i guess you could say things are going great. I'm actually doing better at school now, I've got my assignements done. Dad's happy about that. I'm writing more, Having fun. Actully living life. I guess i'm completely out of my shell now. I thought i was myself 6 months ago, turns out i was just what i thought i was. Now, Everyone says how happy i look and how being with Dale has made me a better person. It's been nearly 4 months and most proabably the best 4 months ever. This realtionship isnt a mistake.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Ask me something, im effing bored and about to go to bedd. http://formspring.me/iloveyouFAG

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Things you should probably know:

  • Don't ask me 'What's wrong?' or 'Are you okay?' ; Unless you like to be ignored.
  • Don't tell me you understand, You don't know shit about my life.
  • Don't tell me you love me, Then just end up leaving anyway.
  • Don't tell me you want to stay, when you really want to leave.
  • Don't lie to me, Because it will just end with my fist in your face.
  • I don't act well to things like racism, So don't fucking think about opening your mouth with a smart ass comment.
  • I abuse everything and everyone in my way when I'm in a bad mood.
  • I won't ever tell you why I'm sad, if you continue to ask i will scream profanities at you.
  • Don't try and fix me or change me, it just offends me, And I'll end up getting angry.
And finally,
  • I am who i am. Don't like it. I don't care, chances are I don't like you either.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

It can't end like this, can it?

So; All i can keep thinking is:

  • He's going to get with some other chick,
  • Things aren't working,
  • I'm losing him more everyday,
  • Things are over.

And i'm scared its all coming true.I can't stop him from doing what he wants, and i know he is happy. But what happen to him wanting me, and telling me he never wanted to lose me? I'm happy for him, i truly am. But why do things always get bad when they just start to get good? I've lost him for good now. In more ways then i ever though possible. And i'm honestly not doing well.

But a girl can dream, right?

Saturday, April 24, 2010