If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best.

Im complicated and confusing. I get everything wrong, and make mistakes constently. Im still trying to find myself, in this critising world of haterd and love and it's not an easy road to walk. but i've learnt to walk with his hand in mine, so slowly im getting there. Things are getting easier, and less confusing.

Haterd is slowly disappearing as love over powers.

Friday, April 2, 2010

And up until now; i swore i was content with lonliness.

Í guess you could say, it's the simple things in life that I'm amazed by. I'm starting to understand things better, how they work, why they happen. And I've come to the conclusion that life's a mystery, and it's not meant to be solved, You might think differently but I'd rather see my future with a blindfold on.

I miss my little sister, like i never thought possible. the first time i moved away it was no big deal, but being back there for a year, we grew together, and realised how much we actually had in common; She's 11 and she listens to escape the fate for fuck sake, Watches my favourite stoner movies, horror movies and jumps of bridge's and out of tree's into the river with me. She has more guts and bravery then i ever had at that age, and she still does now despite being 5 years younger then me.

She's an amazing little sister, and i wouldn't trade her in for anything.

As soon as his out of my sight, the thoughts of him not returning to me linger in my head. The next time i see you, I feel like a 7 year old at Christmas time. Your my best friend; and the love of my life. To anyone reading this, going

"She's fucking 16, she has no idea what
love is, shut the fuck up you stupid teenager

To you; all i have to say, is;

'Yes, i do know what love is, and to be honest, it's the most amazing feeling in the world, the feeling of having butterfly's in your stomach, every time your lips touch his, at the feeling of him touching your neck, Playing with your hair. It's the most outstanding thing, For once you don't feel alone, because they are always apart of you. No matter where you are, or what your doing'.

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